Call for Presentations

As usual, a “Call for Presentations” takes place for the NRW Nano Conference. It offers the opportunity to apply and present in one of the themed sessions ideas, projects and findings to all interested representatives from science and industry. The ‘Call for Presentations’ is primarily focussed on entrepreneurs, development managers, professors and institute directors. We have a special programme for young academics and invite them to present their research results and work in the comprehensive poster exhibition. The application is open now and ends on 30th April 2025.
The conference language is English, the oral contributions should have a total duration of 20 minutes, whereof 17 minutes are reserved to the talk and 3 minutes to questions from the audience.
The deadline for the submission of presentations is 30th April 2025.
Applicants with an accepted presentation will receive discounted admission to the conference. Please do not register to the conference until you receive a feedback on your contribution as you will get a special discount code as your presentation is accepted.
The “Call for Presentations” of the NRW Nano Conference is open to contributions from the complete field of nanotechnology, advanced materials and the respective application fields. Taking all contributions into account, conference sessions will be formed according to the thus indicated major fields of interest.
Apply for a presentation today!
Please submit your presentation via the following form using the templates to format the abstract and summary of the abstract (available only as .docx: Guidelines for writing an abstract and Guidelines for writing the summary of an abstract). We are looking forward to your submission!