Main topics of the 11th NRW Nano-Conference
The 11th NRW Nano Conference focuses on the role of key enabling technologies in the context of energy transition, circular economy and future information technology. Possible fields of application are mobility, logistics, health care and (green) production.
Advanced materials
Additive manufacturing ‖ Fibres and composites ‖ Functional surfaces and films ‖ Recycling ‖ Characterisation and simulation ‖ 2D materials ‖ Graphene ‖ Materials – other
Innovative (smart) materials allow a whole new range of applications and optimise the use of resources, thus helping to protect the environment. Tailor-made surfaces, fibre-based composite materials and additive manufacturing result in increased efficiency and improved performance. By applying characterisation technologies to and running simulations on these nanomaterials and -structures, their value to future applications can be tested.
Optoelectronics ‖ Artificial intelligence ‖ Information and Communication technology ‖ Neural networks ‖ Electronics – other
Nothing has impacted our lives more in the past two decades than the advances in information and communication technology. And this development continues creating the need to constantly develop smaller and more effective electronic components to cope with the increasing need for accurate data.
Quantum technologies
Quantum communication ‖ Quantum computing ‖ Quantum enabling technologies ‖ Quantum sensing ‖ Quantum simulation ‖ Quantum technology – other
Quantum technologies offer new opportunities for improved computation, sensing applications and cybersecurity, allowing new and/or improved products and application fields for industry with rapidly increasing dynamics. This is also reflected in the increase of business activities and governmental funding schemes in the past years. Quantum technologies hence are one of the hot topics of science and are considered disruptive technologies which have the potential to affect a broad range of business cases. Also, increased efficiency combined with reduced energy consumption during operation can be reached using second generation quantum tech.
Energy efficiency ‖ Batteries ‖ Intelligent production ‖ Energy – other
Finding alternatives for fossil energy sources and ensuring a more efficient use of energy is paramount in today’s world. The increased energy demand from industry and society requires innovative ways to optimise existing technologies as well as finding alternatives to meet the growing need. Enhancing portable energy storage systems, while reducing their environmental impact is of major importance for future technologies. The key enabling technologies play a vital role in ensuring these important aims are achieved.
Nano medicine ‖ Medical technology & diagnostics ‖ Health – other
The past months have shown the demand for medical development and the need to implement new technologies to combat global health issues. Nanotechnology plays an important role when it comes to developing new and innovative methods and therapies. The application ranges from drug design and delivery to monitoring and diagnostics, always looking for ways to optimise procedures and improve everyone’s state of health.
Rules & Regulations
Safety regulations ‖ Social acceptance ‖ Regulations – other
The successful implementation of new technologies requires strict regulations and constant adaption of safety standards. This isn’t always easy and requires adequate monitoring and continuous testing of new technology developments. For nanomaterials this means providing a risk analysis for the workspace, workers, end-users and environment. In addition, existing rules need to be reviewed and, in some cases, laws have to be amended to cover the new context.
Innovation Projects / International cooperation
For the economically strong industrial state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), it is a top priority to be present on the world’s leading markets with economically viable products. Innovation projects within NRW or in cooperation with companies or research institutions from Europe or beyond, e.g. as part of the INTERREG program, are crucial for the development of these products and their manufacture.
Green / sustainable production technologies and materials
Green and sustainable production technologies and materials offer numerous advantages that can have a positive impact on the environment as well as the economy and society. Conserving resources and efficient processes help to sustainably increase competitiveness through innovation.
The calls of the Nano Conference are open to all submissions from the field of nanotechnology and innovation in materials and application. If you want to present your ideas, your research or your projects at the conference, feel free to sort them into one of the above described exemplary topics. However, topics will be formed in accordance with all submitted presentations, so that you are encouraged to submit your contribution and mark it as “miscellaneous” if these exemplary topics do not fit to your submission. We will evaluate all submission equally and try to consider them for the conference if appropriate and possible.